How Muscles Age, How Exercise Helps, and the Science Behind

INFOGRAPHIC - How muscles age

INFOGRAPHIC - How muscles age

The good news is that exercise can stave off and even reverse muscle loss and weakness. Recent research has demonstrated that physical activity can promote mitochondrial health, increase protein turnover, and restore levels of signaling molecules involved in muscle function. But while scientists know a lot about what goes wrong in aging, and know that exercise can slow the inevitable, the details of this relationship are just starting to come into focus.

Researchers untangle the multifarious nature of muscle aging. So far, the only reliable treatment is exercise.

Although the causes of muscle loss are numerous and complex, there is now copious evidence to suggest that exercise may prevent or reverse many of these age-related changes, whereas inactivity will accelerate muscle aging. Earlier this year, for example, Janet Lord of the University of Birmingham and Steven Harridge at King’s College London examined the muscles of 125 male and female amateur cyclists and showed that a lifetime of regular exercise can slow down muscle aging: there were no losses in muscle mass or muscle strength among those who were older and exercised regularly. More surprisingly, the immune system had not aged much either.

Please read the full article: How Muscles Age, and How Exercise Can Slow It


“OK - I want to stop my muscles from aging. What can I do next?”

Now you are probably saying to yourself, hey - I want to stop my muscles from aging too! Although it requires some dedication and some real work, it is actually quite possible to reverse that loss. You don’t have to be Jack LaLanne or Richard Simmons, it doesn’t have to be “hard-core”, stressful, or involve loud music and insane cardio.

Here at the Movement Center, MOVEMENT is at the core of what we do best. We will show you completely new ways to move your body that you have simply never experienced before using the GYROTONIC® Methodology, with the help of experienced Gyrotonic Trainers - as well as the GYROTONIC® Equipment line. Come into our studio to discover all the incredible ways you can move your body - and keep those muscles young at the same time!

Nicholas Saparoff