Liability Waiver for Zoom Online Classes 

Your agreement to participate in an online class means that you fully agree to the following: 

I understand that I have enrolled in a program of potentially strenuous physical activity.

I hereby absolve Deborah Saparoff and GYROTONIC® Boston MetroWest from any responsibility for injuries I might sustain while practicing these movements or methods, or any actions learned with or by Deborah Saparoff or GYROTONIC® Boston MetroWest. 

I hereby release for myself, my heirs and assigns, Deborah Saparoff and GYROTONIC® Boston MetroWest, from any claims, demands and causes of actions arising from my participation in an exercise program.

Agreement to this Liability Waiver will act as your continued agreement to all ensuing sessions, workshops and/or seminars whether in person, via Skype, Zoom or any other video conferencing tool.